
♦ Asphalt Sealcoating Protects against oxidation
♦ Acts as a barrier to vehicle oils and gasolines
♦ Sealcoating Prevents winter cracking
♦ Provides protection against the suns UV rays
♦ Can save $100,000 or more over life of an asphalt pavement
Hot Rubber Crackfill
♦ Crackfill Prevents further deterioration of asphalt
♦ Slows winter freeze and thaw effects
♦ Crackfill Ceases future crack expansion
♦ Typically applied in conjunction with sealcoat

Parking Lot Maintenance
♦ Commercial lots are cleaned with vacuum truck
♦ Edges are hand blown with high powered blowers
♦ Seasonal cleanup maintenance
♦ Cleaning contracts available on as needed basis

Line Striping & Painting
♦ Custom Line Painting
♦ Handicap Painting
♦ Directional Line Painting

Signage & Installation
♦ Installation
♦ Handicap Signs
♦ No Parking
♦ Custom Signs